Become a tester for onatest!

Why We Test?

By becoming a tester for On A Test, you have the opportunity to test dozens of products and services. These services and products can be local or not, known or not. You also have the opportunity to share your feelings, your opinion with the whole On A Test community, now composed of several thousands of users every month (?)! Didn’t like the product or service? No problem, the essence of the site is to share an objective opinion in order to help as many people as possible to make up their mind, to consume more intelligently.


How do we test products on On A Test?

Generally we don’t really have a process for our tests. One day you can test a restaurant where you eat lunch and another day you can test a phone package. Our objective is to test our purchase from all angles to avoid the consumer being fooled.


The application process

Just send us an email to the following address: stating your motivation and presenting yourself quickly. If you become a tester for On A Test, your articles will be published on the site!


We look forward to receiving your application as a tester!

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Plush toys, the new trend for 2020

Our order has arrived! Unlike cuddly toys and teddy bears, plush toys are the new trend in 2020. There is no age to have a small or big plush at home. The "kawaii" fashion is settling in France and we are going to present you some must-have objects that we have...

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